Monday, November 21, 2011

A purging of pet peeves (random stuff that gets under my skin)

Hello my bombshell beauties! 
I am usually all about spreading the positivity and love around but today I need to vent a few things that really urk me. Maybe it's cuz I am PMS-ing or maybe I just need to purge a few random pet peeves to bring my good vibes back, but ever once in awhile you need to purge and vent to push the clouds away and bring back your sunny disposition (or my sunny disposition in this case).

My random pet peeves of the day (in no particular order):

  1. People who drive Hummers in Florida. Why on earth would anyone need to drive a Hum-vee in Florida, a place that is below sea level in many parts. There are no mountainous ranges here. Are you on a convoy? Quick get in the hummer so you can escape the treacherous terrain and emanating threats of seagulls, fast food, and huge, paved 6 lane highways. Thank you for emitting 3x more pollution than any other vehicle on the road, and for taking up 1.5 parking spots. Unless you are in the military, on safari, or have 8-10 kids, I seriously CAN'T understand why you would ever own one of these ridiculous vehicles.
  2. Anti-bullying Facebook status' posted by people that used to bully/tease me in high school This one gets me all the time. Why these people even requested me on Facebook I do not understand, or furthermore why I approved their request but it just kills me every-time I see some soapbox anti-bully message on the news feed from someone who mercilessly teased me throughout my formative years. Maybe they have grown and changed and see the error of their ways, sure. or maybe they just want to seem like really good people who passionately believe in the cause-either way I don't buy it and it bugs me.
  3. People that get into the right hand turning lane that aren't turning. Especially when it's right before a light-ooooh this one bothers me so much. There is a reason why right hand turns are allowed at red lights. Thank you for making a 5 minute trip to the store take 20. get off your cellphone, turn down your bad radio, and pay attention to where you are driving, and the people driving around you. You may just end up saving yourself some time on your own commute if you actually plan ahead and route your drive in a way that doesn't affect aka annoy all those driving around you.
  4. Oblong toilet paper holders. I mean really? who would design something that makes getting toilet paper off the roll near impossible. Dumb....just dumb.
  5. People that post messages to God on their Facebook status. I'm all for believing in what works for you but seriously...If god isn't listening to you, he/she (depending on what you believe) certainly isn't logging into Facebook to see if you're giving it up to him/her on your status update.
  6. Women who wear foundation that is 3 shades too dark b/c they think it makes them look tan. Who do you think you're fooling? If your neck is a light ivory and your face is orange beige you don't look tan, you look like you are wearing a mask. Foundation is supposed to disappear into the skin giving you a coverage that looks natural and doesn't settle on top of your face like acrylic paint.
  7. last but not least... Women who over-punish their children in public b/c they are afraid people will judge them if their kid is crying, whining, or wailing. A few weeks ago I was shopping for my daughter in Gymboree. There was a little girl (couldn't have been more than 2 or 3) who was sitting by the checkout in nothing but a diaper while her mother tried clothes on and off of her in the middle of the store. The girl got cranky and embarrassed, and began whining. The mother looked around the store and then frantically decided to spank the little girl several times while yelling at her. This made her daughter cry even harder which prompted the mom to exclaim "do you want a time out?" think that would've been a nice option to offer BEFORE you spanked your clothing-less child in the middle of a store. I was so appalled I had to leave to keep from saying anything. No parent is perfect but toddlers are toddlers and sometimes they have to cry to express their emotions. That poor girl just wanted some respect and loving attention from her mother and all the woman could do was beat her bottom.
Anyways....Venting feels good and can be a healthy way to voice your frustration. These are just a few of my recent pet peeves. What are some of yours? Try feels great to purge it out. Hope you all have a Beauty-full Monday and find many reasons to smile and spread the love!! 

XoXo-Bombshell Beauty

1 comment:

  1. i dont understand how a giant hummer can have such itty bitty windows! when I did togo, people would have me try to shove giant bags of food through them! yeah, never worked. Funny, now that I live in the mountains, i have yet to see a hummer....
